Date: Thursday, September 8th, 2022.
Tee Time: 12:00 noon shot gun start. Please be there by 11:30 to check in.
Event: Scramble rules will be pretty much the same as we have played in the past.
4:30-6pm - Social hour with bar time at The Bridges.
6pm - Dinner and awards banquet.
Cost: League members cost is $60. This includes golf fees, cart, prizes/awards, and dinner banquet.
Substitutes: Subs cost will be $80. Please encourage one or two sub teams for the scramble.
Please send me your outing roster as soon as possible so we can get final planning confirmed. League members can pay by UW Credit Union money transfer or by check made out to the UW Men’s Golf league. Hand checks to Scott Larson or Eric Engbloom or mail to:
Scott Larson
10 Black Stone Circle
Madison, WI 53719